When Lanes Merge Themesong Caps

In my previous post on this, I've stated that I was looking forward to this series. I've watched 2 episodes now and it didn't disappointed me. I really like it so far and I'm hoping for the rest of the series to be like that are better.

Main reason why I wanted to watch this was because of Raymond. Throughout the whole 2 episodes, I loved his scenes the best. He's not a bad guy but just a little stubborn and obnoxious. I'm really, really looking forward to more of his scenes. He's slowing rising into my fav. actors list (I only have 3 so far).

I think Kate as ok. Though I must say she's another reason I want to watch this series. Why? Because last year (2009), ALL of her series gave me a surprise. For some reason, I found all her series last had a refreshing storyline. A Great Way to Care looked boring in the outside but was a great series when you started watching it. Beauty of the Game was also a good series that explored the entertainment world (even though kinda exaggerated but was still good). Don Juan DeMercado was a good series for entertainment and I really enjoyed it. Weird how her series work out like that xD Actually make me like her better too. So far, she doesn't have much scenes but looking forward to her and Raymond.

Now let's talk about the themesong. 3 words will simply describe it. I love it. Yah, I really, really do! It sounds so nice! Another thing I must state is the beginning of episode one. I really like how they started out the episode. Gives you the feeling of excitement and suspense?



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