What's Going On...

My new semester began today!!! At first...I was so excited...but now...I don't really like my classes after all =/ Only class I like is Biology! Teacher sounds cool! But there seem to be alot of vocabs to learn. My memory isn't so great....especially with vocabs. hmm...I am surprisingly missing math xP But most of all, I miss my beautiful chemistry class =) Hopefully everything is going to get more interesting though!! Can't wait for March to come cause that's when the fun starts! Hehe...also spring break :P lols just have a week of break and still wanting more! Greedy.....greedy xD

Oh! I am finally finish with No regrets and have even started the review for it =) There is so much to talk about though! Especially about Lau Sing and Kau Mui!!! Also starting on Home Troopers review ;) Hehe....will hopefully get No Regrets done soon! Haven't done a review for SO LONG!! Makes me feel bad and lazy :P

btw...isn't these onion head cartoons the most adorable thing ever!?!
Hehe...Good Night! Need to wake up early tomorrow ;)


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